

‘I wanted to write and thank you properly for the wonderful ScarWork Therapy you gave me recently.  

As you know I had breast implant removal following a previous bilateral mastectomy, which left me completely flat.  Where my scars had healed I had been left with a lot of puckering on one side and what felt like tethering.  My only option appeared to be undergoing another surgery after 9 months or so to correct this.  This wasn’t sitting very well with me and I decided to research an alternative to this and found you.
I wasn’t really sure whether some ‘massage’ could really make a difference to me but thought I would give it one session to see how I felt. The results from the first session took a while to appear but a few weeks after I could already see some improvement to the puckering and my movement improved.  I ended up having just 3 sessions and the visual improvement was amazing.  I would never have imagined that such tiny movements, very carefully and sympathetically done, could have such an effect.  Just being with you, I felt I was absorbing positivity and calm which left me with a much greater feeling of acceptance towards my new body.  I am very happy to say that I now feel completely happy and comfortable with my scars, so no further surgery for me!’ 


When people I meet mention that they are in pain or talk about past injuries, the first thing that comes to mind is…. go and see Fiona!

Fiona’s understanding of my body and what it needs goes beyond anyone else I have been treated by. As a dancer with injuries you can be sure I have done the rounds! Fiona has an unbelievable gift at looking at how the body moves and spotting areas that are being restricted or are holding or just need her attention. After hands on work from Fiona and lots of breathing and very small movements from me (as instructed by Fiona) I honestly feel reborn!

My body is balanced, I feel relaxed and grounded as if I have arrived and I can now rest. My limbs feel light and free and their range of movement is improved. My head neck and spine feel like they have been un-wound and they now spiral and float upwards into space. It’s like you but on a really really good day! 

Rolfing, Fiona and I have made my body more intelligent. Areas that I paid little attention to or had almost no awareness of have since been woken up. Postural mis-alignments that were causing me pain have slowly been unpicked and have since faded away because it no longer feels right to breath or walk or sit or stand in that way. This brings me to my final point, the benefits of Rolfing last because Rolfing can change things. With Rolfing, I believe that you are investing your money in a better understanding of your body and an easier, happier and less painful future.’

Meg, Dancer


‘The reason I believe that Rolfing is pretty special is that it brings us back to what it means to be a human being. The goal in ones life is to feel good in your own body and mind (well that is mine anyway). We were not meant to sit at computers all day, nor watch excessive amounts of TV, and somehow we got in our own way of reaching our fullest potential. In my experience Rolfing is great as I feel it taps into the subconscious mind and teaches the body to move and re-align itself using gentle touch and very subtle movements. Once the mind has realised these connections in the body it habitually transfers it to other activities, making life easier and more enjoyable.

From a mental point of view it also changes the way your mind works, you see the world differently. It is like you have been released from your own problems and suddenly they no longer hold power over you. For me it made me more confident, creative, spontaneous, happy and more in touch with who I really am.

I personally feel like I have come on a lot since completing the full Rolfing series, it opened new doors and enhanced my curiosity to improve and try new things all the time. If you want to improve further I also highly recommend Feldenkrais, meditation, lucid dreaming and Tomatis (these are just what have worked for me).

Fiona is also a brilliant teacher, she has great knowledge and enthusiasm and an amazing sense of humour. I cannot thank her enough.

I highly recommend the Rolfing series and if you decide to go through with it I urge you to be as open with it as possible. I hope you enjoy the journey, because as cheesy as it sounds, it is literally a journey. ‘

Joe B, Squash Player


Completing the Rolfing journey with Fiona has transformed my life, both on a physical and mental level. I started out having the common modern-day neck and shoulders aches and pains and being unable to fully relax. Today, I walk tall, have zero day to day pain and can meditate for 15 minutes without giving up!

I am a long-term computer user because of my working life, I am 49 now, and started to show the consequences of my profession. I would slump, adjust, then slump again. With Fiona’s guidance, extensive knowledge and experience, she helped me along the journey to regain good posture and improved movement. I sit now in peace, perfectly positioned thanks to the pelvis work, the foot work, the leg work and all over corrections she has made. The best part, it has become permanent, and with practice outside the sessions (this is crucial to success!) I truly believe I am fixed. To be able to live, pain free and feel no suffering is bliss.

Awareness of mind and body is slowly learnt and becomes a habit. I quickly acquired the tools to react to body/mind observations. I observed I would rush tasks such as cooking the dinner, causing physical stress, but I now could correct very quickly to restore harmony.

Fiona is amazing, she is so focussed on you, helping you, and joining you on your memorable journey to wellness. Without exception, everyone would benefit from Rolfing. Aching muscles as we age is not compulsory, it’s normally a consequence of body trauma being remembered and incorrect movement. With Fiona, we identify and correct both.

You can probably tell I rate Fiona and her Rolfing skills. I do, I have finished my 10 series, but am continuing my journey as I’m loving it. There is so much to see on the way, and the destination is unknown, but a wonderful place.

Dave, 49


‘Fiona’s extensive knowledge of the body, not only from Rolfing but from many years of researching the body, has been incredibly effective in helping with my lower back pain. I’ve had problems with my sacroiliac joint for nearly a year which resulted in pain in my back, radiating up to my neck and down through my left thigh and into the sole of my foot. This has been very debilitating and exhausting and nothing seems to have helped.

I have had ongoing very gentle chiropractic treatment for quite some time which has helped improve it a little, but I have received 3 Rolfing sessions so far with Fiona and it’s completely transformed my back. The pain and tightness in my thigh has virtually gone and my back has improved substantially.’ 

Kate, Dancer and Craniosacral therapist


‘The Rolfing sessions I received have been extremely beneficial. Fiona is a beautiful practitioner, she is generous and perceptive and has a wide understanding of the body, I feel safe in her hands. I do love massage, but I feel Rolfing to be much deeper, it has many more layers to it and it can really bring about awareness and change.

I have been through a lot of emotional turmoil and my body has suffered as a consequence, I felt terrible tightening in my chest, as if I was wearing a corset. During this time Fiona has helped me enormously and has managed to free me of it and bring awareness at the same time of where the tightness might come from. After my first session of Rolfing, I felt open to the world as if for the first time, it was truly amazing.

If you think Rolfing might be for you, I can’t recommend Fiona highly enough, I can’t wait to have more sessions!’            

Angela, Science Lecturer


Franklin Method

‘Fiona’s Franklin Method sessions are always a treat – anticipated with pleasure as an opportunity to refocus and have some me-time that is also happily sociable. Fiona is always engaging and brings a positive energy to the room. Her humour helps the group to relax unselfconsciously and her enthusiasm is infectious. I have and I would wholeheartedly recommend Fiona as an instructor.’

Sonya, Librarian

Movement Classes

‘I have known Fiona and her work for approx sixteen years. We were colleagues at Oxford School of Drama from 1999-2004 and have since collaborated on Movement/Voice and Text workshops for the Northern Touring Company and on independent Acting courses in England and Scotland. I have always found Fiona’s approach to releasing the physical potential of the human body an inspiration in developing my own ideas on Voice and Text interpretation. Her preparation is thorough and her teaching focused and detailed. I have gained so much from our professional association over the years and find that her ideas are constantly influencing my work with leading Theatre companies (e.g. RSC and National).’

Jacquie Crago NCSD; LUDDA; IPA


‘Fiona is a warm, engaging and expert movement coach, who can work with people of varying motivations and abilities. Her work, as part of a drama summer school, was essential in helping people bring together voice and physicality. She inspires confidence in everyone.’

Julie, Administrative Director


‘Fiona’s enthusiasm and sense of fun are infectious. Also, she clearly has a deep knowledge of her subject, and she makes working with her in physical theatre/choreography a safe and exciting experience.’

Andrew, Software Developer


‘I have been part of a small group employing Fiona as a movement teacher at summer schools for several years and would recommend her wholeheartedly. She combines expertise and knowledge with an instinctive understanding and warmth of communication which enable her to adapt her teaching across an extremely wide range of experience and physicality. Her classes have proved genuinely transformational. I would also commend her ability to apply her skills in movement and dance to theatrical performance creating an environment where real shifts in performance can happen.’

Hilary, Freelance Consultant

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