Oxford Practices

I now work in one location in Oxford. To ensure continuity for each client within your schedule and the available space, I only work with a limited number of clients. Please contact me to find out about current session availability.

The Practice Rooms
The Old Bakehouse
2A South Parade
Oxford OX2

The entrance to The Practice Rooms is directly opposite Suffolk House, behind ‘A Cut Above’ barbers. There are many cafes, shops and restaurants to enjoy in the area. It is a 30 minute walk or 10 minute bus ride from Oxford City Centre. More on Oxford public transport and parking.

Current Fees
Rolfing Structural Integration Ten Series: £150 for 120-130 minutes.
This time allows for:

  • Discussion in relation to the previous session and what may have arisen from the work.
  • Body-reading, questions and explorations of that particular sessions unique theme.
  • Hands-on work to release tissue where needed and awaken your perception of different areas of the body.
  • Movement and integration to help define aspects for you to continue embodying between each session.

Post 10 series Rolfing SI: £80 (65 minutes), £115 (95 minutes)

Wheeler ScarWork Therapy: £80 (65 minutes), £115 (95 minutes)

Tension Release: £80 (65 minutes), £115 (95 minutes)

Rolf Movement: £80 (65 minutes)

Can be made by cash, card, cheque or BACS.
BACS payments to be made prior to the session or on the day.

I require 48 hours notice if you cannot make the session. If I am given enough notice and am able to fill your slot then I will happily waive this fee.